Young Adult Ministries
The Young Adult community of Colonial Park United Methodist Church seeks Christ by serving our brothers and sisters with the love Christ first showed us. —Matthew 25: 37-40
The Young Adults are a newly established, yet well-defined group. We are always looking for opportunities to serve within the church and the community. We currently work with the Youth, Children’s Ministry, United Methodist Women, and the Men’s Club to initiate and provide activities open to the entire church. This effort to join with all ages as a church family is important to us as Young Adults as we continually grow spiritually and become a more integral part of God’s work.
Some “happenings” that the Young Adult Ministry offers include:
The Young Professionals Small Group will meet the first Wednesday of each month in the Fireplace (just north of the soccer field) at 7:15. We will be doing a study on “Love Does” by Bob Geoff. Bring your own dinner and meet for a start of seeing that Love is Action/Involvement/Following God’s calling….. Hope to see you there and email or call Brian Maness if you have any questions.
Pack up your sleeping bags and head to the Jenkins’ Pickwick home on the river for a fabulous weekend in the outdoors with your friends and get to know new ones too. Events include great food, exciting and challenging games and activities including, but not limited to, blow guns, sling shots, throwing knives, hammock time and much more. We feature meaningful devotionals and communion that promise to open your heart, renew your soul, and quench your longing spirit. We usually spend Friday and Saturday night in Pickwick and attend Pickwick Methodist Church Sunday morning after which we head back to Memphis.
This is an opportunity for senior high and young adults to play music and/or sing, dance, show and tell about their artwork, tell jokes, read/recite a poem or tell a story. Let all your pent-up imagination and talents show. Come to entertain or just come to hang out with friends and be entertained, but don’t miss out on this opportunity for fun!!
When I stand before Him at the end of my life I would hope that I would have not a single talent left and could say, “I used everything You gave me.” —Author unknown
It may be your favorite movie or one you haven’t seen before that is shown on the BIG screen in the FirePlace (white building with red door near soccer field). Food possibilities include popcorn, s’mores, appetizers, pizza, soft drinks, iced coffee, hot chocolate or fruit tea.
Prior to this event, held in early summer, the young adults work hard planning the food, soliciting donations from local restaurants, and planning the lineup of musicians. This is a wonderful way that the young adults promote church community by bringing all ages together to enjoy an afternoon of music provided by Gentlemanly Christian as well as many other talented musicians and soloists. Fun and food are provided on the grounds of Colonial Park. Free–just bring your lawn chairs/blankets and a generous spirit. Donations received benefit young adult ministries and the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) mission trip.
Typically, the Saturday after Thanksgiving and the Saturday after Easter an informal potluck brunch is held in the FirePlace as an opportunity to bring students studying out of town back together at their home church, Colonial Park. A themed young adult Christmas party has been held for the past few years at the McIntyre’s home in December. Will this year’s party be a “tacky” Christmas sweater party or a “Snuggie” or a Christmas PJ party? Who knows, but the young adults always come up with something fun.
If you have any questions or would like to get involved, contact Brian Maness, Director of Young Adult Ministries & Recreation. You may also contact the Church Office at 901-683-5286.