Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministries at Colonial Park United Methodist Church helps Christians respond to God’s call to serve their brothers and sisters through gifts of money, time, talent, and love.
Mid-South Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry Distribution Site
Colonial Park is a host site for the Mobile Food Pantry. This is an opportunity for people in need to receive an emergency 14 day supply of food. Twice a month we distribute food for 300-500 families. All food is provided by the MidSouth Food Bank.
This is a huge blessing to us as well as the people we serve twice a month. This is an opportunity to serve our neighbors throughout the Mid-South. Everyone is welcome here at Colonial Park! If you are interested in serving (you don’t have to be a member here), please email Gary Vaughn, Director of Outreach.
In Need of Food?
What a blessing it is for us to partner with the Mid-South Food Bank Mobile Pantry! We are honored to be a part of this wonderful program. If you or someone you know is in need of food please click the logo below for more information. The Mid-South Food Bank delivers food for distribution to our campus twice a month, on the first and third Thursdays, and we have the pleasure of handing it out to our neighbors. We love seeing all your smiling faces and eagerly anticipate meeting new friends every time. We see this as a perfect opportunity to serve our neighbors & community. If you would like to serve alongside us, please contact Gary Vaughn via email or call the church office at 901-683-5286.
If you are in need of food, please click the logo below for more information.
Disaster Relief
Working primarily through efforts coordinated by the United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR), Colonial Park provides disaster relief supplies to aid in recovery from foreign and domestic natural or manmade disasters as well as supplies to help children and families in their quest for good health and education.
Hannah’s Hope
Colonial Park provides gifts of time, talents, money, and prayers to this agency that provides maternity and adoption services.
Prison Ministries
Colonial Park supports through gifts and services two prison ministries. Grace Place serves the local women’s correctional facility, and Kairos Prison Ministry serves men in the West Tennessee State Prison. Grace Place is an inmate church, with the purpose of leading women to Christ and to Christian service. Kairos ministry provides chocolate chip cookies for prisoners served during programming to help them find a better way of life than the one that led them to prison.
United Methodist Neighborhood Centers
Through the efforts of church groups, clothes, food, money, and other needed resources are collected and sent to the Neighborhood Centers. The center also provides emotional support to families in need throughout the Greater Memphis area.
Our Vision: Serve God and our neighbor.
Our Mission: Commitment to showing God’s love through service by identifying and addressing needs in the greater community.

Project Transformation
Our mission is to transform communities by engaging children, college-age young adults, and churches in purposeful relationships. Colonial Park is a supporter and participates in Project Transformation summer reading activities. Please email Lela Granberry @ algran@bellsouth.net for more information about how you can join us in this ministry.