Children’s Discipleship
“Children are a gift from the Lord” Psalms 127:3, and this ministry serves to give children the rightful place that our Lord gave them, “…for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” —Matthew 19:14
Our mission in Children’s Discipleship Ministry is to help children on their journey as disciples of Jesus Christ. We strive to help children experience God’s love, feel included in the life of the congregation, and have opportunities to grow in their faith. Through our programming we endeavor to invite children to COME and meet Jesus, to SEE what he has to say and to encourage them to GO TELL others about Him.
Infants through Grade 5
We have Sunday School available for children ages K-5th grades & nursery available for children 6 weeks to 5 years. Both of these are available during the 11:00 am worship time. If you desire your child to attend worship with you, we have activity bags for each child which includes a coloring sheet and a snack. Contact the church office for more information regarding Sunday mornings.

Infants 6 weeks to 24 months First Floor, Room 102
Ages 2-3 First Floor, Room 103
Preschool Age 4 First Floor, Room 101
Grades 1-5 Second Floor, Room 206
Located on the first floor in room 102. The Nursery serves children 6 weeks to 24 months. Childcare is provided on Sundays and for many church events.
Located on the first floor in room 103. We provide age appropriate activities that includes stories and crafts during Worship at 10:30 am.
Located on the First Floor Room 101. Our little ones use an exciting curriculum that is developmentally appropriate & engaging. Deep Blue is biblically grounded, educationally sound, flexible, fun and helps children experience each Bible story!
We love Orange’s 252 Kids Curriculum! It’s interactive & allows children to learn important concepts about God’s love for them & how to love God & other people. 252 Kids focuses on making wiser choices, building stronger relationships, and developing a deeper faith through a variety of engaging methods.