United Methodist Men
“Helping men grow in Christ so others may know Christ”

Colonial Park United Methodist Men invites you to connect with us as we keep our eye on the central reason for this ministry: to grow to a mature faith in God that moves us into action. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, God will meet you there.
Our goal is to empower the ministry of Jesus Christ through men within our congregation & community; to reach out to men to join us in our spiritual journey of seeking God’s will, sharing God’s love, and serving God and our neighbors.
Our journey together follows the path of spiritual growth to maturity as Christ followers leading to a commitment to service.
The Colonial Park United Methodist Men is not an exclusive “club.” Every United Methodist man and all men interested in establishing a spiritual journey through United Methodism is already a member. We do not have dues but raise our funds through a variety of activities. No matter what age from young men to senior men, everyone has a place and can play a vital role.
Colonial Park United Methodist Men fulfills its mission by organizing into teams with each team having a specific purpose. Currently, we have five teams:
Communication Team
This team uses various media to inform men, the congregation, and the community about the UMM’s purpose and activities.
Program Team
Plans and arranges programming for our quarterly general meeting and Men’s Devotional Breakfast Bible Study.
Building Minders Team
In coordination with the Church Board, this team plans and implements periodic remodeling and repair projects around the church property.
Lamplighters Team
Identifies the need for replacement of the church’s burned out light bulbs and within the ability of the team member, replaces them. This saves the church additional expenditures for light bulbs and provides our men the opportunity for fellowship and service.
Transportation Team
In recognition that there are men who would like to attend UMM activities, but may be unable to provide transportation for themselves, this team organizes the means and volunteers to provide transportation.